Acheivemeny whore

I have a very week profile card on both my PSN and Habbo never mind no X box awards ether. Im only a level 2 on PSN and i think this is due to the lack of games i have played since changing to adamWRIGHT87, thus meaning any award i had earned under the title grimmRABBIT i have lost. Thinking about this, or being more honest looking at how many more trophies my friends have has made me feel a little gutted i ended my old profile and lost this and is urging me to want to get more trophies, more specifically is to try and play these games with the sheer intent on earning the trophy. i find this funny that i want to do this just so the card on my PSN says a higher number but in fact i know a lot of people who have the aim to complete every single mundane and pointless task so that the can say they have completed a game 100%. the point im trying to get to is what if these achevements more where more visible what if our profiles where more important and visible

My hair

One thing that has really frustrated me is trying to find my hair and facial hair on these avatar sites and in games. this has inspired me to do a quick mock up of what my hair and facial hair should look like.

Badges - navy

XBox live

I refuse to by an x box live account so i have borrowed a friends.

Habbo fix

i get really annoyed that my little habbo guy dosent have the rite hair or facial hair as my self so i took the liberty of fixing this. on the left is the original and on the right is the one i have made in photo shop, baised on my picture.




It has a bizarre kinda eastern style to it, but the customization is vast and with enough time you could make a fairly satisfying avatar. my avatar i feel fairly satisfied with however yet again the hair and beard has been difficult to get, plus since u can make it fairly life like your more determined to get it rite.

The chat rooms however were fairly disappointing they are overly complicated and the fact that the rooms and people are made so surreal its hard to take it all in.

There is one aspect i did enjoy that was the gaming section there seems to be a good few simple games to play from plus i also got a cheeky wee achievement

Small Worlds

Habbo Hotel

This in my opinion is one of the most aesthetically pleasing online avatar game, the angle and look of it is very stylized and very reminiscent of old RPG games.

so then i made my avatar, i struggled to find the right hair and facial hair but overall felt fairly satisfied with my avatar.

so i set off on my adventure it wasn't long before i got my first achievement. and all i had to do is change my look. Allot of the achievement i find were very easy and obtained by many things you would do anyway.

these are the achievements i have got to date, the vary from as simple as changing my name to as obsessive as spending 60 hours in the hotel(thankfully someone gave me that badge).

Finally, what i ended up doing. I went on a general wander through the hotel, i ended up in many different rooms with different purposes my aim was to meet people and chat but allot of people added me and asked me to follow so hear is were i ended up doing and seeing.