Habbo Hotel

This in my opinion is one of the most aesthetically pleasing online avatar game, the angle and look of it is very stylized and very reminiscent of old RPG games.

so then i made my avatar, i struggled to find the right hair and facial hair but overall felt fairly satisfied with my avatar.

so i set off on my adventure it wasn't long before i got my first achievement. and all i had to do is change my look. Allot of the achievement i find were very easy and obtained by many things you would do anyway.

these are the achievements i have got to date, the vary from as simple as changing my name to as obsessive as spending 60 hours in the hotel(thankfully someone gave me that badge).

Finally, what i ended up doing. I went on a general wander through the hotel, i ended up in many different rooms with different purposes my aim was to meet people and chat but allot of people added me and asked me to follow so hear is were i ended up doing and seeing.

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